What a busy week!! In the past seven days, I shot four family sessions, a newborn session and even a wedding on behalf of Roman Studios! It was, shall we say, a whirlwind? Yes, that among other adjectives...But, in case you were sitting on the edge of your seat wondering when my next blog post might be (as I'm sure you all were), that is the explanation.
Okay, on to the beautiful family that is the subject of this post...The Ziehrs were kind enough to invite me out to their property last weekend as Part II of my back to back photo sessions last Sunday. It was not the first time I had oogled over their beautiful piece of land...Last July (almost a year ago to the day) I was out there taking shots of my friend Echo for her maternity. Even then, I had hoped to come out again sometime soon...
Fast forward to present-day...Do I really need words to tell you how amazing this setting is? Nope - lucky for me, I have photos to do that talking. The other note-worthy feature of this session? The HAIR!! Great hair, don't care = Katie Ziehr. What? Please, Katie, tell me you wear a wig or something to make me feel better about my mopey locks...No? Just gorgeous hair? *sigh*