Oh my goodness - how adorable is this baby guy?! The moment he toddled into the studio and started grinning around, my heart felt a little explosion over his cuteness. Also, have I mentioned that I love doing cake smashes!?
Camden came ready to rock and roll. Mom, Carly, brought Aunt Jessica as a lovely assistant and they had some perfect outfits picked out to commemorate Camden's first birthday. I'd went out and got "O-N-E" for Marissa's birthday, so it was perfect. I tried finding the actual number one, but neither Michael's nor Ben Franklin had them...rude! It turned out just fine, though, with us propping the letters up against a stool I recently picked up.
This cake smash took place in record time. With Carly and Jessica tag-teaming with outfit changes, watching Camden and playing peekaboo behind my head, we had him in and out of four outfits, cake-smashed and then a bath in less than 30 minutes. It was great to have those few portraits beforehand to capture his cutenss at this age and then, let him do some smashin! If you know anyone with a baby, I'd love to see them in the studio with a cake :) Here are some of my favorites from the session :)