January and February in Oregon lend themselves to hibernation more so than beautiful, outdoor photo sessions. During this time of the year, I'm often doing studio shoots - cake smashes, mini sessions, boudoir shoots or anything else indoor that comes my way (newborn just this week!) However, the back-to-back sessions four days a week that occur in the fall or the 10 week summer wedding hustle have subsided (for now.)
Looking ahead, I am excited for the new round of bunny sessions scheduled next month as well as the already FULL wedding calendar I have for this summer. There may even be some spring peach sessions thrown in there as well :) For now, I'm hoping to catch up on some of the beautiful sessions I did in the fall, but did not have an opportunity to blog yet :)
I'm currently focusing on recruiting my next class of senior reps for the class of 2017 as well as hoping to work with some of those Class of 2016 students who are looking to do a spring senior session. Class of 2017 Juniors that book with me before the end of April will get an extra photo session (for FREE!) so pretty please help me get the word out!
Emily's schedule (as I'm sure many seniors these days) was tricky to work around. We finally coordinated a day, time, and location that we could make work and it was soooo worth the wait! Emily was a natural in front of the camera and I LOVED all of her simple, yet classic outfits that fit in perfectly with the surroundings. Emily, thank you so much for allowing me to capture these photos for you! I can't wait to see where you are headed :)