I met Courtney several years ago through her work at Hot Shots Coffee in Creswell. Not only can she make a mean latte, but I started to creep on her even more when she mentioned she was engaged (hello! She's gorgeous!) I met Matty for the first time after I had convinced Courtney to let me shoot her wedding. I could tell right away that I had come upon one of those unicorn couples that not only is in love with each other, but literally enjoys being around that other person so much, every moment is a new, wonderful memory of laughter and fun.
That same sentiment splashed right on over into their wedding day. Matty & Courtney were married at beautiful Dorris Ranch in Springfield, Oregon. Courtney had her hair and make-up done at the Mothership Salon and came over to the historic Tomseth house to finish up. Have you guys been inside that house?! It's incredible. As a total history nerd, I was a little awkwardly infatuated with it! Courtney's bridal portraits were shot in the span of about 2 minutes - good thing she was able to fully lock it up and channel her inner model!
From the moment of the first look, though, all bets were off. Matty immediately had Courtney CRACKING up for the rest of the wedding day. These two have more inside jokes than Harry and Sally and as soon as you get them together, they cannot help but just be their adorable, loving, laughing, and endearing selves.
Courtney and Matty - thank you so much for having me along on your beautiful wedding day. I can honestly say, I've never laughed so hard with a couple while trying to take fierce, romantic and somber portraits only to have them immediately dissolve into a giggle fest. You two are so perfect for each other :) As per my usual, here is a not so small sampling of my faves from the day.
To view or order from their entire gallery, click here: http://kelseajoannphotography.pixieset.com/taylorwedding/
Florist: The Flower Market, Springfield, OR
Hair & Make-up: The Mothership Salon